One Hour Husband

Traditional unwelcome it, it welcomed by the unconventional. Right or wrong it is a newly growing trend in the IT corridors and newly developing suburbs. It is also an out product of the different racial and linguistic interactions in the society. Relying on other peoples husband when they are boyfriend less. We cannot claim that such person are insane to their acts, they are all well sane and clear of their relationships. Not North West with Kim Kardashian nor Brad Pitt with Angelina Jolie got promoted from one hour husband to 24 hours duty, it also sad that they were legally broken in latter days. Today women chooses one hour husband who were legally the other women’ legal husbands. The reason not to fell in the matrimonial bondage but to reap the benefits of the matrimonial bondage except bearing children’s, some times in a longer relationships they bear children’s also for the one hour husband. To entertain, to share meals and cocktails, to share bed, to provide the basic ...