10 Important Things about Probate - Talk to the Best Probate Lawyer in Chennai 9840802218

1. What does Probate mean? Probate means the act of proving a will. This term has lost a lot of that traditional meaning. It now generally applies to reference the court and the process that is used to administer the estate of a decedent. And the declaration of the genuineness of the Will. 2. What are some of the terms used in the probate process? The probate process is full of uncommon terms. Here are just a few with simple definitions: a. Decedent: The person who has passed away. b. Testate Estate: A person has passed away with a valid will. c. Intestate Estate: A person has passed away without a will. d. Executor/Executrix: The person appointed by the court in a testate estate to be the agent for the estate. This person is responsible for carrying out the terms of the will. e. Administrator/Administratrix: The person appointed by the court in an intestate estate to be the agent for the estate. This per- son is responsible for administering the estate accordin...