How to get Patta in Chennai

Normally when the property is registered by the Purchaser in the registrar office he/she also signs the Patta name transfer document along with his/her sale deed. This is initialed by the registrar and sent to the revenue office. But this never happens by itself. The patta name transfer never happens automatically. We as a responsible purchaser should follow up with revenue office. We should approach the surveyor or the deputy Tahsildar for the obtaining the patta. We should produce all the sale deed documents and Encumbrance Certificate of the property. After verification of the sale deed the surveyor will come to the site for measurement and survey of the property. After this process he will update the govt records and issue the patta in the name of the present owner. We can also check the “A” register of land records about the type like Nanjai, Punjai, Residential, Industrial and Heavy industry . If ...